Tarzan Animation Drawing (Tarzan, 1999). A giant 16 field animation drawing of Tarzan from the film with award-winning Phil Collins music. Tarzan was animated by Disney Legend Inductee, Glen Keane.
With no actual production cels having been used in the making of this film, this is an exceedingly rare piece of production art. Done in graphite, with red pencil highlights, this large dramatic image measures 8″ x 11″, and has a “T 61” written in the bottom right corner.
Hercules Animation Drawing (Walt Disney, 1997). An original 16 field animation drawing of Hercules, from the Ron Clements and John Musker-directed animated feature film. The supervising animator for Hercules was 2015 Disney Legend Inductee Andreas Deja. Done in graphite, with red highlights, this is a very large image of 9″. an “H17” is written in the bottom right corner
Aladdin and Jasmine “Whole New World” Drawing (Walt Disney, 1992). Wondrous animation production drawing of Aladdin and Jasmine from the “Whole New World” musical Sequence. Graphite on 16 field paper, drawing is marked #95. Large image of 6″ and 7″.